Good Spreadsheet Practice - Excel Fundamentals


Registration Course starts CoffeeCourse ends
09:00 09:30 11:00 12:30


 £99+VAT. (click here for information on the Flexiticket discount scheme - fees as low as £45.60+VAT per place). The courses ‘Good Spreadsheet Practice', '100 Ways to Make Excel Easier', ‘Practical Excel Techniques‘, 'More Power to your Pivot' and '50 Advanced Techniques for Creating Inspidational Spreadsheets', are available to IT Faculty members  for £60+VAT each.




Simon Hurst


Principle 3 of the ICAEW 20 Principles for good spreadsheet practice states: “Ensure that everyone involved in the creation or use of spreadsheets has an appropriate level of knowledge and competence”. This course seeks to cover that attendees have at least the required level of knowledge and competence.


This course is aimed at new or existing users of Excel who wish to ensure that they possess the skills and knowledge required to use Excel efficiently and safely while delivering effective and reliable end results. No particular prior knowledge is required. If you are already an experienced Excel user with a comprehensive understanding of a wide range of Excel features and functions then the course might be of limited direct benefit, although it might still be a useful guide to understanding what others working with spreadsheets in your organisation need to know. Examples will be based on Excel 2016 but where an earlier version (2007 onwards) differs substantially this will be highlighted on the course. The course is not hands-on but the course notes have been designed to provide step-by-step instructions for all the areas covered. This course is suitable for the levels “Basic User to General User” under the ICAEW IT Faculty Spreadsheet Competency Framework.


  • Excel anatomy: how everything fits together and how worksheets and workbooks should be set up to be as efficient and reliable as possible
  • Formula fundamentals: cell references, calculations, brackets, what the dollar signs do and why it’s essential that you know. The most common Excel formula mistake and why avoiding it will save you time, effort and grief. The importance of Excel Tables.
  • Function fundamentals: What functions are and how to use them safely. Key functions SUM(), IF(), SUMIFS(), VLOOKUP()
  • Effective formatting: cell formats, Styles, number and date formats, Conditional Formats, Charts and graphics
  • Fundamental features: working with data, PivotTables, Data Validation
  • Is it right? Testing your spreadsheet and building in checks and controls
  • Tips and shortcuts – keyboard and other shortcuts to work more efficiently and impress your colleagues


Croydon Park Hotel

Please note that due to the closure of the Fairfield Halls car park, delegates coming by car should seek alternative parking.



Course fee
with 25 place

£99.00 +VAT


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