New Employee Word & Excel Productivity Courses Bundle - Recorded Online Courses.

Recorded Online Course





Simon Hurst


Dramatically improve productivity by ensuring that all your employees have the key skills required to use Excel and Word efficiently and safely. Although most of us can use Excel and Word, there is a big difference between being able to use these applications and being able to use them efficiently. This bundle of two courses aims to help your entire team reach an excellent level of competence in just a few hours.

Excel Fundamentals provides a comprehensive grounding in the principles and techniques required to create reliable, robust spreadsheets quickly and efficiently with reference to the ICAEW 20 Principles for Good Spreadsheet Practice. The Word course recognises that everyone can use Word and concentrates on tips, shortcuts and techniques useful to those working with financial data.


We moved to providing IT courses online out of necessity, but they have proved extremely popular and we have found that they offer some significant advantages over live courses. Both courses are delivered using a narrated, high-definition screen recording. This allows an individual to access the course from anywhere, as often as they like, for as long as they like, within the month. Full notes are provided together with a comprehensive practice workbook and also email access to the speaker to answer queries.


New employees or existing employees who feel that they could benefit from ensuring they have an adequate knowledge of how to use Excel and Word safely and efficiently. No particular prior knowledge is required. Examples will be based on a recent version of Office and but where an earlier version (2007 onwards) differs substantially this will be highlighted on the course. The course is based on the use of Office for Windows rather than Office for Mac and, although the content might still be useful for Mac users, they should ensure that any key features are available in the version that they are intending to use.


  1.            Excel

    • Formula fundamentals: cell references, calculations, brackets, what the dollar signs do and why it’s essential that you know. The most common Excel formula mistake and why avoiding it will save you time, effort and grief. The importance of Excel Tables, and why Dynamic Arrays change everything you thought you knew about Excel formulae.

    • Function fundamentals: What functions are and how to use them safely. Key functions: SUM(), IF(), SUMIFS(), VLOOKUP()

    • Fundamental features: working with data, PivotTables, Data Validation

    • Is it right? Testing your spreadsheet and building in checks and controls

    • Tips and shortcuts – keyboard and other shortcuts to work more efficiently and impress your colleagues

    • Word

    • Faster formatting for characters, paragraphs and professional business graphics

    • Automating whole paragraphs of content with a few keystrokes

    • The ten best ways to save time using Word

    • Conquering columns using Word tables

    • Recent Word improvements and developments


Two 3 hour recorded online courses accessed via the SESCA website: These two recorded online courses will be available anytime with one month’s access.


South East


£105+VAT. (click here for information on the Flexiticket discount scheme - fees as low as £62.00+VAT per place).

Course fee
with 25 place

£62.00 +VAT
